Computing Thoughts

Bruce Eckel's Programming Blog

Jan 7, 2017 - 11 minute read

A Canonical equals() For Java

Even with the help of Java 7’s Objects.equals(), the equals() method is often written in a verbose and messy fashion. This article shows how you can write a succinct equals() in a format that allows easy checking with visual inspection.

When you create a new class, it automatically inherits class Object. If you don’t override equals(), you’ll get Objects equals() method. By default this compares addresses, so only if you are comparing the exact same objects will you get true. The default case is the “most discriminating.”


class DefaultComparison {
  private int i, j, k;
  public DefaultComparison(int i, int j, int k) {
    this.i = i;
    this.j = j;
    this.k = k;
  public static void main(String[] args) {
      a = new DefaultComparison(1, 2, 3),
      b = new DefaultComparison(1, 2, 3);
    System.out.println(a == a);
    System.out.println(a == b);
/* Output:

Normally you’ll want to relax this restriction. Typically, if two objects are the same type and have fields with identical values, you’ll consider those objects equal, but there may also be fields that you don’t want to include in the equals() comparison. This is part of the class design process.

A proper equals() must satisfy the following five conditions:

  1. Reflexive: For any x, x.equals(x) should return true.

  2. Symmetric: For any x and y, x.equals(y) should return true if and only if y.equals(x) returns true.

  3. Transitive: For any x, y, and z, if x.equals(y) returns true and y.equals(z) returns true, then x.equals(z) should return true.

  4. Consistent: For any x and y, multiple invocations of x.equals(y) consistently return true or consistently return false, provided no information used in equals comparisons on the object is modified.

  5. For any non-null x, x.equals(null) should return false.

Here are the tests that satisfy those conditions and determine whether the object you’re comparing yourself to (which we’ll call here the rval) is equal to this object:

  1. If the rval is null, it’s not equal.

  2. If the rval is this (you’re comparing yourself to yourself), the two objects are equal.

  3. If the rval is not the same class or subclass, the two objects are not equal.

  4. If all the above checks pass, then you must decide which fields in the rval are important (and consistent), and compare those.

Java 7 introduced the Objects class to help with this process, which we use to write a better equals().

The following examples compare different versions of the Equality class. To prevent duplicate code we’ll build the examples using the Factory Method. The EqualityFactory interface simply provides a make() method to produce an Equality object, so a different EqualityFactory can produce a different subtype of Equality:

import java.util.*;

interface EqualityFactory {
  Equality make(int i, String s, double d);

Now we’ll define Equality containing three fields (all of which we consider important during comparison) and an equals() method that fulfills the four checks described above. The constructor displays its type name to ensure we are performing the tests we think we are:

import java.util.*;

public class Equality {
  protected int i;
  protected String s;
  protected double d;
  public Equality(int i, String s, double d) {
    this.i = i;
    this.s = s;
    this.d = d;
    System.out.println("made 'Equality'");
  public boolean equals(Object rval) {
    if(rval == null)
      return false;
    if(rval == this)
      return true;
    if(!(rval instanceof Equality))
      return false;
    Equality other = (Equality)rval;
    if(!Objects.equals(i, other.i))
      return false;
    if(!Objects.equals(s, other.s))
      return false;
    if(!Objects.equals(d, other.d))
      return false;
    return true;
  public void
  test(String descr, String expected, Object rval) {
    System.out.format("-- Testing %s --%n" +
      "%s instanceof Equality: %s%n" +
      "Expected %s, got %s%n",
      descr, descr, rval instanceof Equality,
      expected, equals(rval));
  public static void testAll(EqualityFactory eqf) {
      e = eqf.make(1, "Monty", 3.14),
      eq = eqf.make(1, "Monty", 3.14),
      neq = eqf.make(99, "Bob", 1.618);
    e.test("null", "false", null);
    e.test("same object", "true", e);
    e.test("different type", "false", new Integer(99));
    e.test("same values", "true", eq);
    e.test("different values", "false", neq);
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    testAll( (i, s, d) -> new Equality(i, s, d));
/* Output:
made 'Equality'
made 'Equality'
made 'Equality'
-- Testing null --
null instanceof Equality: false
Expected false, got false
-- Testing same object --
same object instanceof Equality: true
Expected true, got true
-- Testing different type --
different type instanceof Equality: false
Expected false, got false
-- Testing same values --
same values instanceof Equality: true
Expected true, got true
-- Testing different values --
different values instanceof Equality: true
Expected false, got false

testAll() performs comparisons with all different types of objects we ever expect to encounter. It creates Equality objects using the factory.

In main(), notice the simplicity of the call to testAll(). Because EqualityFactory has a single method, it can be used with a lambda expression as the make() method.

The above equals() method is annoyingly verbose, and it turns out we can simplify it into a canonical form. Observe:

  1. The instanceof check eliminates the need to test for null

  2. The comparison to this is redundant. A correctly-written equals() will work properly with self comparison.

Because && is a short-circuiting comparison, it quits and produces false the first time it encounters a failure. So, by chaining the checks together with &&, we can write equals() much more succinctly:

import java.util.*;

public class SuccinctEquality extends Equality {
  public SuccinctEquality(int i, String s, double d) {
    super(i, s, d);
    System.out.println("made 'SuccinctEquality'");
  public boolean equals(Object rval) {
    return rval instanceof SuccinctEquality &&
      Objects.equals(i, ((SuccinctEquality)rval).i) &&
      Objects.equals(s, ((SuccinctEquality)rval).s) &&
      Objects.equals(d, ((SuccinctEquality)rval).d);
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Equality.testAll( (i, s, d) ->
      new SuccinctEquality(i, s, d));
/* Output:
made 'Equality'
made 'SuccinctEquality'
made 'Equality'
made 'SuccinctEquality'
made 'Equality'
made 'SuccinctEquality'
-- Testing null --
null instanceof Equality: false
Expected false, got false
-- Testing same object --
same object instanceof Equality: true
Expected true, got true
-- Testing different type --
different type instanceof Equality: false
Expected false, got false
-- Testing same values --
same values instanceof Equality: true
Expected true, got true
-- Testing different values --
different values instanceof Equality: true
Expected false, got false

For each SuccinctEquality, the base-class constructor is called before the derived-class constructor. The output shows that we still get the correct result. You can tell that short-circuiting happens because both the null test and the “different type” test would otherwise throw exceptions during the casts that occur further down the list of comparisons in equals().

Objects.equals() shines when you compose your new class using another class:

import java.util.*;

class Part {
  String ss;
  double dd;
  public Part(String ss, double dd) { = ss;
    this.dd = dd;
  public boolean equals(Object rval) {
    return rval instanceof Part &&
      Objects.equals(ss, ((Part)rval).ss) &&
      Objects.equals(dd, ((Part)rval).dd);

public class ComposedEquality extends SuccinctEquality {
  Part part;
  public ComposedEquality(int i, String s, double d) {
    super(i, s, d);
    part = new Part(s, d);
    System.out.println("made 'ComposedEquality'");
  public boolean equals(Object rval) {
    return rval instanceof ComposedEquality &&
      super.equals(rval) &&
      Objects.equals(part, ((ComposedEquality)rval).part);
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Equality.testAll( (i, s, d) ->
      new ComposedEquality(i, s, d));
/* Output:
made 'Equality'
made 'SuccinctEquality'
made 'ComposedEquality'
made 'Equality'
made 'SuccinctEquality'
made 'ComposedEquality'
made 'Equality'
made 'SuccinctEquality'
made 'ComposedEquality'
-- Testing null --
null instanceof Equality: false
Expected false, got false
-- Testing same object --
same object instanceof Equality: true
Expected true, got true
-- Testing different type --
different type instanceof Equality: false
Expected false, got false
-- Testing same values --
same values instanceof Equality: true
Expected true, got true
-- Testing different values --
different values instanceof Equality: true
Expected false, got false

Notice the call to super.equals()—no need to reinvent it (plus you don’t always have access to all necessary parts of a base class).

Equality Across Subtypes

Inheritance suggests that objects of two different subtypes can be “the same” when they are upcast. Suppose you have a collection of Pet objects. This collection will naturally accept subtypes of Pet: In this example, Dogs and Pigs. Each Pet has a name and a size, as well as a unique internal id number.

We define equals() and hashCode() using the canonical form via the Objects class, but we only define them in the base class Pet, and we do not include the unique id number in either one. From the standpoint of equals(), this means we only care if something is a Pet, not whether it is a specific type of Pet:

import java.util.*;

enum Size { SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE }

class Pet {
  private static int counter = 0;
  private final int id = counter++;
  private final String name;
  private final Size size;
  public Pet(String name, Size size) { = name;
    this.size = size;
  public boolean equals(Object rval) {
    return rval instanceof Pet &&
      // Objects.equals(id, ((Pet)rval).id) && // [1]
      Objects.equals(name, ((Pet)rval).name) &&
      Objects.equals(size, ((Pet)rval).size);
  public int hashCode() {
    return Objects.hash(name, size);
    // return Objects.hash(name, size, id);  // [2]
  public String toString() {
    return String.format("%s[%d]: %s %s %x",
      getClass().getSimpleName(), id,
      name, size, hashCode());

class Dog extends Pet {
  public Dog(String name, Size size) {
    super(name, size);

class Pig extends Pet {
  public Pig(String name, Size size) {
    super(name, size);

public class SubtypeEquality {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Set<Pet> pets = new HashSet<>();
    pets.add(new Dog("Ralph", Size.MEDIUM));
    pets.add(new Pig("Ralph", Size.MEDIUM));
/* Output:
Dog[0]: Ralph MEDIUM a752aeee

If we are just thinking about types, it does make sense—sometimes—to only consider the classes from the standpoint of their base type, which is the foundation of the Liskov Substitution Principle. This code fits nicely with that principle because the derived types don’t add any extra functionality (methods) that isn’t in the base class. The derived types only differ in behavior, not in interface (which of course is not the general case).

But when we provide two different object types with identical data and place them in a HashSet<Pet>, only one of these objects survives. This emphasizes that equals() is not a perfectly mathematical concept but (at least partially) a mechanical one. hashCode() and equals() must be defined hand-in-hand in order to allow types to work properly in a hashed data structure.

In the example, both the Dog and Pig hash to the same bucket in the HashSet. At this point, the HashSet falls back to equals() to differentiate the objects, but equals() also declares the objects to be the same. The HashSet doesn’t add the Pig because it’s already got an identical object.

We can still make the example work by forcing uniqueness on otherwise identical objects. Here, each Pet already has a unique id so you can either uncomment line [1] in equals() or switch to line [2] in hashCode(). In the canonical form you would do both, to involve all “unchanging” fields in both operations (“unchanging” so that the equals() and hashCode() don’t produce different values between storing and retrieving in a hashed data structure. I put “unchanging” in quotes because you must evaluate whether modification might happen).

Side note: in hashCode(), if you are only working with a single field, use Objects.hashCode() and if you are using multiple fields use Objects.hash().

We can also solve the issue by following the standard form and defining equals() in the subclasses (but still not including the unique id):

import java.util.*;

class Dog2 extends Pet {
  public Dog2(String name, Size size) {
    super(name, size);
  public boolean equals(Object rval) {
    return rval instanceof Dog2 &&

class Pig2 extends Pet {
  public Pig2(String name, Size size) {
    super(name, size);
  public boolean equals(Object rval) {
    return rval instanceof Pig2 &&

public class SubtypeEquality2 {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Set<Pet> pets = new HashSet<>();
    pets.add(new Dog2("Ralph", Size.MEDIUM));
    pets.add(new Pig2("Ralph", Size.MEDIUM));
/* Output:
Dog2[0]: Ralph MEDIUM a752aeee
Pig2[1]: Ralph MEDIUM a752aeee

Notice that the hashCode()s are identical, but because the objects are no longer equals(), both now appear in the HashSet. Also, super.equals() means we don’t need access to the private fields in the base class.

One way to look at this is to say that Java separates substitutability from the definition of equals() and hashCode(). We can still place Dogs and Pigs into a Set<Pet> regardless of how equals() and hashCode() are defined, but the objects won’t behave correctly in hashed data structures unless those methods are defined with hashed structures in mind. Unfortunately, equals() is not only used in conjunction with hashCode(). This complicates things when you try to avoid defining it for specific classes, and it’s why it’s worth following the canonical form. However, this is further complicated because there are times when you don’t need to define either method.