My programming blog officially moves from Artima to this site, as of now.
I’ve been poking at this problem for at least two years. It almost seems like I was unconsciously waiting for the right system to sort itself out, and it has: Jekyll on Github pages (with MarkdownPad for editing) has won over my heart and mind. I’m pretty darn happy about this — I had gotten to the point where it was just too much trouble to blog on Artima, and so a lot of ideas have gone un-captured.
That said, thank you Bill Venners for creating and maintaining Artima for all this time. It filled an important need, and I got a lot from it. (The Artima posts will remain available for the foreseeable future).
In a later post I give all the nitty-gritty details, enough even to clone my work and create your own blog just like you see here.
Whew! That’s a big one that’s been hanging around my to-do list for a long time. Feels good.